14-Year-Old Joey Williams Tasered and Beaten by Bucks County Police (Video)
Joey Williams is a 14yr old child that was tasered and beaten brutally by Bucks County police officers in Tullytown, Pennsylvania. Joey Williams was arrested because police suspected that Joey Williams and his 19yr old cousin Jordin Gibson had stolen $32 worth of merchandise from a local Walmart. Joey William's mother; Marissa Sergeant said the police wanted to intimidate her son so they beat him and frightened him from speaking about it.
Ms. Sergant stated that her son was treated at the Lower Bucks Hospital where she was not allowed to see him and he was forced to sign off on any treatment that he received. After he was treated at the hospital he was immediately sent to the Juvenile center. His mother tried to go visit her son there but when she arrived the Police would not let her see him. An officer spoke to her through a closed door stating that her son was fine and that they had ordered him pizza.
Bucks County district attorney David Heckler spoke on the police behalf stating that the police handcuffed Joey Williams and put him in a patrol car. Joey somehow escaped from the patrol car still handcuffed. An officer then chased him on foot and ordered Joey to stop running but Joey did not immediately comply, so Heckler stated “the officer fired his Taser to stop the boy from running handcuffed into busy afternoon Route 13 traffic, where construction barriers would have likely trapped him in the lanes of travel.” Still handcuffed the Joey's legs gave out and forced him to fall on his face first causing severe bruising to his face.
Joey's mother Ms. Sergant did not believe this story. She said his injuries are far more servere then a single fall on the ground. Joey Williams could not recieve any justice from the local authority so Ms. Sergeant took her story to Facebook hoping that social media would help gain attention.
Ms. Sergeant said a mystery shopper stated to see Jordin Gibson put a BB gun in Joey Williams backpack. Even though what Joey did was wrong he should not have been treated so horribly because he was young, naive and unarmed.

Post By: Tylencia Harvey | Sources: Police State USA